Expert Electrical Solutions for Home Safety and Maintenance

Who to call for electrical problems

Westland Electric 2014 Ltd. |

Blog by Westland Electric

Electrical issues within and around your home can sometimes be very frustrating and even risky if dealt with through the wrong channel. Having a list of who to contact whenever electrical problems occur is crucial in guaranteeing that minor or major issues are dealt with appropriately. Their role is to assist in the identification of the most suitable professionals to attend to various electrical problems in your home.  

Things to Look Out for When One Is in Need of an Electrician

There are sure signs that indicate you need to get a professional electrician to address electrical problems: 
- Frequent tripping over of circuit breakers or blowing of fuses – This tends to indicate that there is a current overload or short circuit in your electrical system.

- Flickering lights - When bulbs switch on, you may see a flickering of the lights, which can be a result of a loose neutral or other wiring problems.

- Sometimes, people hear buzzing coming from outlets or switches – Buzzing is usually a result of a wrong electrical box, a bad wire, or a destructive device.

- Burning smell from outlets - This is commonly caused by wires that are overheated, which is a great danger to the building as it is likely to cause fire.

- Malfunctioning appliances excluding the probable reasons such as setting or operation problems.

Only an expert in electrical work will be in a position to diagnose and address such electrical complications well.

Power Surges – When to Contact an Emergency Electrician 

Although it is reasonable and advisable to call your everyday electrician to fix a light switch or a power outlet, some situations are classified or best described as electrical emergencies that require emergency electrician services. These include:

- Electrical fire – If you see any electric fire or smoke rising from appliances or outlets, you should call the emergency services quickly. If possible, switch off the power supply until assistance arrives.

- House wiring problem – In this scenario, if there is a large blackout in the house, the electrician is helpful if you want the power supply to be restored quickly and securely.

- Water splashing on electrical appliances – water is a good conductor of electricity hence water droplets near electrical appliances may be fatal at times.

The more quickly an emergency electrician attends to such emergent issues,  minimizes the risk of additional damages to property or even people.

Choosing a Licensed Electrician

When hiring any electrical contractor or technician, checking their licenses and insurance is essential: 
Licenses – State licenses for the electricians are required papers that ascertain that they have met the necessary qualifications, training, and testing. Consult your state licensing board for renewals and the current status of your license.  

Insurance – Every good electrician should take general liability insurance, and technicians working on a job site should be covered by worker compensation insurance. This serves the purpose of guarding your property against any mishaps and also them in the event of any accident occurring at the site.

Testimonials – Customer reviews and testimonials are a way to get a glimpse into the performance of an electrician in terms of the quality of work, work speed, and attitude towards customers.

Rates & Quotes – Before making a decision, secure written quotes detailed down to item level from several licensed electricians. Do not hire electricians merely based on the lowest price rates.

These credentials give you confidence that you are dealing with a safe, reliable, and skilled electrician, even for the most challenging jobs.

Here are suggestions on which professionals to contact for some frequent electrical issues

1. Partial losing of power – Electrical contractor

2. Lights only on some circuits flickering – The electrical engineer 

3. Poor wiring and switchgear – Electrician

4. Part fails or breaks – appliance repair technician 

5. Strange noises coming from a wall – A wall has a power source – An electrician inspects the wiring within the walls

6. Outlets installed in the kitchen or bathroom – Sparking – Electrician 

7. Lit outlets even without loads – Electrician

8. Whole house without power – Home electrical company

In all other cases, which do not include just changing a light switch or a bulb or a household appliance that has stopped working, only a licensed electrician possesses the knowledge to accurately identify the problem with the electrical system and fix it.

There are certain things that you ought to speak to an electrician before hiring them or engaging their services.

When contacting electricians, inquire about:

    Licensing and insurance are other critical aspects that must be valid to show that the driver has been through the necessary legal processes and procedures.  

    Other services which they offer in electrical sectors

    More specific analysis of the repair work 

    All-inclusive rate quotes  

    The time it would take for repairs to be completed

    Warranties on workmanship 

It is advisable to obtain written confirmations of the agreed work scope and cost before allowing electricians to start the work.


In managing electrical problems, it is essential to seek help only from the right individuals doing the work. If there are constant power problems or there is a complication like a fire outbreak, power surges or voltage spikes, it is advisable to deal with professional licensed electricians not an appliance technician or power company. Credibility check must be conducted and safety should be applied until all issues are corrected. This shall guarantee that your house electrical systems are well maintained as they provide the best service for the next few years.

